Tuesday, June 17, 2008

There is such a thing as a FREE LUNCH!!!

Hi Guys,
Well only one more day to go in the course and the smell of celebration is in the air. Carole (the Director) has offered to shout us all lunch at the Office - I think most of you know the place, it's just down the road, so you can forget the sandwiches next week. Would you please email me to confirm if you can come so we can book and get the big table.

For those of you who couldn't make it to class yesterday, we have also organised a BBQ at my place on Saturday, the 28th of June kicking off some time between 6 to 7 pm. It is BYO drinks and chair, if you have a folding chair. Partners and kids are welcome (my daughter is a great baby sitter and will organise DVD's etc.). Mark has volunteered (in the military sense of the word) to put an entry on his blog where everyone can enter what they would like to bring in the way of food so we don't get a dozen salads. I will be putting on sausages, chops etc. and what ever else I decide to whip up on the day. I'm thinking of a large trifle for the sweet tooths and Mark is going to display his culinary expertise with the crepe maker. So be there or be square!

I suppose I ought to address the academic side of Cert. IV (it's not all beer and skittles). This week we did ASS402B. For those who missed it there was not much that we hadn't covered the previous week, but go through the unit and refresh your memory. To make up for the tasks we did in class, you will need to do the RPL_project from the assessment folder and answer the questions in the Q&A_Assess folder. We also started planning the Adapt a Course task in groups and have organised for those who were missing to be included in the groups. You should be recieving emails from a member of your group to include you in the loop. If you don't contact me and I will tell you what you need to bring in for next week. Please try to make it to class next week as we are doing 3 assessment tasks in an effort to make Cluster 4 a real doddle for everyone. Have a great week. I'll let you know if there is any more news before we meet again.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

On the home run - Assessment

Well we are on the home straight and sprinting for the finish. This week we did ASS401B and ASS 403B. So everyone can now plan and organise assessment and develop assessment tools.

The highlight of the day was definitely Mark (AKA Mary) showing us his feminine side in a role play! We love your work Mark.

The class split into groups and designed an assessment plan and and developed an assessment tool for that wonderful RTO 'BTP'.
There were a variety of tools developed and all had their good points, but one of the most effective designs was the observation check list because the benchmark answers were embedded in the questions/topics and only a yes/no answer was required. We were also treated to a very spiffy assessment matrix. All in all I was very impressed with the work done and confident that everyone is gaining an understanding of assessment principles and procedures.

On another subject I recieved an email from Rebecca today, pointing out that the six hats exercise is on cluster 3 checklist, please ignore this as we did it in cluster 2. She also queried what exercise 3 in cluster 2 (Communication Skills activity roleplays) was - it was the change a light bulb, make a cup of coffee exercise that we did in class. Thought I'd pass this on for the edification of all.
Don't forget that next week we need the RPL folder printed out, also a validation report from the template folder and the Assess Q & A, so we can race through some more assesment tasks.

Can't think of anything else for the moment - I'm up to the neck in marking and computer problems. Oh yes I can. For those who haven't seen it go to Mark's blogg and check out the vegemite crepe making lesson he has recorded for his coaching project. There will be a prize of the liquid kind for anybody who can top that!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cluster 1 Assessment - some information

There has been some confusion about the Working in VET 3rd party report. It is in the VET folder, but is put with the Workplace Project in the check-list. I will have to fix this for next time.

Also please note that when contextualising your unit or accredited course you need to give me both versions (the original and the contextualised version) so that I can see what changes you have made.

Hope this helps.