Thursday, July 24, 2008

A photo finish!

Hi Chickens,
well it looks like a photo finish for second to the line. Suzy has taken first place, she did have the advantage of a credit for cluster 2 (never the less she worked hard). A big round of applause for Suzy. Vying for first to complete the 4 clusters are Venjie, Mark, Rebecca and Scott who all have three clusters handed in. I have to say that I have my money on Venjie as he has just handed in cluster 4 and although I haven't picked it up yet if it is up to his usual standard he is the hot favourite!

That was was the good news - now to the recalcitrants. Please guys if you need any help with anything don't hesitate to contact me and make a time to sit down and go through everything. I really don't mind and sometimes it can make all the difference and clarify what you need to do to complete. It is usually less than you think.

Remember what I said about handing your last folder in (bliss). Suzy and Venjie can back me up on that. So ring, email or send a carrier pigeon and I will be there for you.

I'm now looking forward to a flood of folders and communications!!!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Class of April '08

Hi Guys,
I've finally found time to update the blog. Thanks to Kelly for the above portrait of the chickens (plus mother hen) celebrating the end of classes. It was a pity we didn't have the full crew for the photo, but if the missing persons forward me a photo I will photoshop you in. Mark thought you needed a name so I have dubbed you the Class of April '08.

Saturday night was great. Highlights of the evening being: - the Crepe Coach displaying his prowess, several amazing karoke performances and a display of belly skate boarding by the kids. The food was terrific thanks to all who contributed to the spread. Thanks also to Sashi and Sarah for a wonderful effort baby sitting.

Photos of the BBQ and last day in class have been posted on Venjie's and Mark's websites. I must say that if I had considered that possibility I may well have thought again about performing a rendition of Wild Thing (or at least toned down the performance). It was good to meet the partners and children who have also had to persevere through the period of the Cert IV training.

BIG PLANS have been made for post graduation celebrations so don't plan anything major for the following day.

Talking of graduation there are a few things to do to ensure that you are all there. Most of the cluster 1 folders are in, but several people (and you know who you are) have yet to email me documents to complete them. I am expecting that now that you are free of classes that everyone will have a bit more time to complete assessment tasks so I optimistically expect to be showered with folders in the near future. Anyone who needs help knows where to find me.

Please, please make a big effort to get everything handed in and get your lives back again. I promise you the feeling you get when you hand in your last assignment is better than ..........